Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Solid Foods?

We started Lily on her very first solid food last Saturday: Rice Cereal. For those of you who are like my brother, let me clear up some confusion: rice cereal is not like Rice Krispies. It's a box of flakes made from rice. When those flakes are mixed with milk it becomes like a very runny oatmeal.

When we first put Lily in the highchair and put the bib on, she began to protest and we thought that we'd have to put the cereal away and try again in a week or two. But once we started feeding her, she couldn't seem to get enough! She's been eating cereal once a day ever since. Enjoy the cute pictures of her first try at solids.


Anonymous said...

She looks so grown up (and I recognize the spoon too). Can't wait to see you guys!

Jeff and Heidi said...

So adorable!! You guys are such a cute family!!